Om Per

Per has a wide technical background ranging from IT and automation system, IT Infrastructure to technical equipment used in productions facilities.

As an ENVISTA consultant Per provides consulting services to the insurance industry in matters of equipment losses, equipment valuation, damage assessment, and causation analysis,

Per has extended experience with mechanical and electrical damage claims. He has been working with incidents and claims covering a widely number of installations among other IT/Office Infrastructure, production machines,...

Per has a wide technical background ranging from IT and automation system, IT Infrastructure to technical equipment used in productions facilities.

As an ENVISTA consultant Per provides consulting services to the insurance industry in matters of equipment losses, equipment valuation, damage assessment, and causation analysis,

Per has extended experience with mechanical and electrical damage claims. He has been working with incidents and claims covering a widely number of installations among other IT/Office Infrastructure, production machines, farming control systems (feeding/milking robots).

Per also holds the position as the team lead for the Envista consulting group in ENVISTA Nordics.

Per has a wide technical background ranging from IT and automation system, IT Infrastructure to technical equipment used in productions facilities.

As an ENVISTA consultant Per provides consulting services to the insurance industry in matters of equipment losses, equipment valuation, damage assessment, and causation analysis,

Per has extended...

Per has a wide technical background ranging from IT and automation system, IT Infrastructure to technical equipment used in productions facilities.

As an ENVISTA consultant Per provides consulting services to the insurance industry in matters of equipment losses, equipment valuation, damage assessment, and causation analysis,

Per has extended experience with mechanical and electrical damage claims. He has been working with incidents and claims covering a widely number of installations among other IT/Office Infrastructure, production machines, farming control systems (feeding/milking robots).

Per also holds the position as the team lead for the Envista consulting group in ENVISTA Nordics.


  • 3D Photography
  • Computer Forensics Investigation
  • Electrical Failure Analysis
  • Energy Failure Analysis
  • Equipment Loss Consulting
  • Equipment Restoration
  • Mechanical Failure Analysis
denmark per liebst

Per Liebst

Senior Lead Consultant

Mechanical, Electrical

Hvordan kan vi hjælpe dig?

Vi har eksperter i mange tekniske discipliner fordelt over hele verden. Kontakt os, så vi kan finde den rigtige ekspert til opgaven.

Kontakt Per Liebst

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For akut hjælp kontakt Envista i København på + 45 8681 1055
 Envista Forensics Logo
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