Om Lars

Mr. Lars Daniel is the Practice Leader of the Digital Forensics Division. Mr. Daniel is the co-author of the book Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals: Understanding Digital Evidence from the Warrant to the Courtroom, published by Syngess. He is also co-author of the book Digital Forensics Trial Graphics: Educating the Jury Through Effective Use of Visuals, Published by Academic Press. Mr. Daniel has qualified as an expert witness and testified in both state and federal courts, qualifying as a digital forensics expert, computer...

Mr. Lars Daniel is the Practice Leader of the Digital Forensics Division. Mr. Daniel is the co-author of the book Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals: Understanding Digital Evidence from the Warrant to the Courtroom, published by Syngess. He is also co-author of the book Digital Forensics Trial Graphics: Educating the Jury Through Effective Use of Visuals, Published by Academic Press. Mr. Daniel has qualified as an expert witness and testified in both state and federal courts, qualifying as a digital forensics expert, computer forensics expert, cell phone forensics expert, video forensics expert, and photo forensics expert. He has testified for both the defense and prosecution in criminal cases and the plaintiff and defense in civil cases. Mr. Daniel has provided training to many thousands of attorneys and claims professionals with over 300 classes taught, providing CLE (Continuing Legal Education) and CE (Continuing Education) classes Across the United States. 

Mr. Lars Daniel is the Practice Leader of the Digital Forensics Division. Mr. Daniel is the co-author of the book Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals: Understanding Digital Evidence from the Warrant to the Courtroom, published by Syngess. He is also co-author of the book Digital Forensics Trial Graphics: Educating the Jury Through...

Mr. Lars Daniel is the Practice Leader of the Digital Forensics Division. Mr. Daniel is the co-author of the book Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals: Understanding Digital Evidence from the Warrant to the Courtroom, published by Syngess. He is also co-author of the book Digital Forensics Trial Graphics: Educating the Jury Through Effective Use of Visuals, Published by Academic Press. Mr. Daniel has qualified as an expert witness and testified in both state and federal courts, qualifying as a digital forensics expert, computer forensics expert, cell phone forensics expert, video forensics expert, and photo forensics expert. He has testified for both the defense and prosecution in criminal cases and the plaintiff and defense in civil cases. Mr. Daniel has provided training to many thousands of attorneys and claims professionals with over 300 classes taught, providing CLE (Continuing Legal Education) and CE (Continuing Education) classes Across the United States. 


  • Call Detail Record Analysis
  • Cell Phone Forensics
  • Cell Phone Tracking
  • Civil Litigation Support
  • Computer and Networking Equipment
  • Computer Forensics Investigation
  • Cyber Crime Investigations
  • Cyber/​Privacy Breaches
  • Dash Cams
  • Database Management Systems
  • Database Records Analysis
  • Digital Forensics
  • Digital Forensics
  • Digital Forensics in Accident Investigations
  • Digital Forensics Solutions for Corporations
  • Digital Video Recorders
  • Digital Video Recovery
  • Expert Witness and Litigation Support
  • Forensic Imaging
  • Forensics Cellular Radio Survey (Drive Testing)
  • GPS Forensics
  • Illicit Material Cases
  • Illicit Media Cases
  • Law Enforcement
  • Pen Register Trap and Trace
  • Programming
  • Ransomware Removal Services
  • RF Drive Testing


  • Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy
    University of North Carolina at Pembroke, NC
Lars Daniel Digital Forensics Investigator


Practice Leader

Digital Forensics

Mere om Lars


Mød Lars

  • 25 - 28 august 2024
    Nashville, TN
    Tale begivenhed
    IASIU Annual Conference
  • 04 - 07 september 2024
    Austin, TX
    Tale begivenhed
    CLM Claims College
  • 18 - 20 september 2024
    Huntington Beach, CA
    Tale begivenhed
    CLM Construction Conference
  • 23 - 25 oktober 2024
    San Juan, Puerto Rico
    Deltager i begivenhed
    Trucking Industry Defense Association (TIDA) Annual Seminar
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