Om Justin

Mr. Justin Ussery is a Digital Forensics Examiner with 20 years of experience. During his career Justin has built and maintained several digital forensics labs for his respective agencies. He not only gave assistance to his agency, but allied agencies alike by providing expert services which included Cellular forensics, Computer Forensics, Chip Off, JTAG and ISP. During his career Justin was frequently assigned to process crime scenes, seize and preserve physical and digital evidence. Justin has also given expert testimony during his career...

Mr. Justin Ussery is a Digital Forensics Examiner with 20 years of experience. During his career Justin has built and maintained several digital forensics labs for his respective agencies. He not only gave assistance to his agency, but allied agencies alike by providing expert services which included Cellular forensics, Computer Forensics, Chip Off, JTAG and ISP. During his career Justin was frequently assigned to process crime scenes, seize and preserve physical and digital evidence. Justin has also given expert testimony during his career as a District Attorney Investigator and Sheriff’s Detective. Justin was a member of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, The United States Secret Service Task Force and Sac Valley High Tech Crimes Task Force during his career with the Merced County Sheriff’s Office and Merced County District Attorney. As a Digital Forensic Examiner with Envista Forensics, Mr. Ussery performs evaluations of network intrusions/breaches, database threats, malware analysis, GPS forensics, Cell tower forensics, Infotainment Analysis, Cell phone forensics, Chip Off, JTAG, ISP and computer forensics. Throughout his career, Justin has accumulated over 800 hours of training in digital forensics.

Mr. Justin Ussery is a Digital Forensics Examiner with 20 years of experience. During his career Justin has built and maintained several digital forensics labs for his respective agencies. He not only gave assistance to his agency, but allied agencies alike by providing expert services which included Cellular forensics, Computer Forensics, Chip...

Mr. Justin Ussery is a Digital Forensics Examiner with 20 years of experience. During his career Justin has built and maintained several digital forensics labs for his respective agencies. He not only gave assistance to his agency, but allied agencies alike by providing expert services which included Cellular forensics, Computer Forensics, Chip Off, JTAG and ISP. During his career Justin was frequently assigned to process crime scenes, seize and preserve physical and digital evidence. Justin has also given expert testimony during his career as a District Attorney Investigator and Sheriff’s Detective. Justin was a member of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, The United States Secret Service Task Force and Sac Valley High Tech Crimes Task Force during his career with the Merced County Sheriff’s Office and Merced County District Attorney. As a Digital Forensic Examiner with Envista Forensics, Mr. Ussery performs evaluations of network intrusions/breaches, database threats, malware analysis, GPS forensics, Cell tower forensics, Infotainment Analysis, Cell phone forensics, Chip Off, JTAG, ISP and computer forensics. Throughout his career, Justin has accumulated over 800 hours of training in digital forensics.


  • Cell Phone Forensics
  • Cell Phone Tracking
  • Computer Forensics Investigation
  • Digital Forensics
  • Digital Forensics Solutions for Corporations
  • Forensic Imaging
  • GPS Forensics
  • RF Drive Testing


  • Modesto Junior College Basic Law Enforcement Academy Certificate
    Ray Simon Criminal Justice Training – Modesto, CA
Justin Ussery

Justin Ussery

Senior Digital Forensics Examiner

Digital Forensics

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 Envista Forensics Logo
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