Om Joen

Joen Andresen has a background in IT Installations. Moreover, Joen has substantial experience from working with technical installations in production facilities, factory installations and buildings.

Joen has worked for more than 15 years with mechanical and electrical incidents and he has worked with both low and high voltage systems.

The recent three years Joen has been training to become a certified professional fire investigator utilizing his extensive knowledge from technical damage assesements. Today, Joen is certified as a Fire...

Joen Andresen has a background in IT Installations. Moreover, Joen has substantial experience from working with technical installations in production facilities, factory installations and buildings.

Joen has worked for more than 15 years with mechanical and electrical incidents and he has worked with both low and high voltage systems.

The recent three years Joen has been training to become a certified professional fire investigator utilizing his extensive knowledge from technical damage assesements. Today, Joen is certified as a Fire Investigation Technician (IAAI-FIT) .

Joen Andresen has a background in IT Installations. Moreover, Joen has substantial experience from working with technical installations in production facilities, factory installations and buildings.

Joen has worked for more than 15 years with mechanical and electrical incidents and he has worked with both low and high voltage systems.

The recent...

Joen Andresen has a background in IT Installations. Moreover, Joen has substantial experience from working with technical installations in production facilities, factory installations and buildings.

Joen has worked for more than 15 years with mechanical and electrical incidents and he has worked with both low and high voltage systems.

The recent three years Joen has been training to become a certified professional fire investigator utilizing his extensive knowledge from technical damage assesements. Today, Joen is certified as a Fire Investigation Technician (IAAI-FIT) .


  • Computer Forensics Investigation
  • Cyber Crime Investigations
  • Equipment Restoration
  • Expert Witness and Litigation Support
  • Fire Investigation
  • Fire Origin and Cause
  • Mechanical Failure Analysis
  • Ransomware Removal Services
denmark joen andresen

Joen Andresen, IAAI FIT

Senior Consultant

Fire and Explosion, Mechanical

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Kontakt Joen Andresen

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