Om Alp

Alp Enginsal is a Structural Engineer with 13 years of consulting experience who is knowledgeable in reinforced concrete, steel, masonry, wood and foundation design. He also has experience rehabilitating existing structural elements using Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP). Alp has worked on numerous projects during which he gained experience designing new and renovating existing commercial, industrial, residential and institutional facilities.

Alp Enginsal is a Structural Engineer with 13 years of consulting experience who is knowledgeable in reinforced concrete, steel, masonry, wood and foundation design. He also has experience rehabilitating existing structural elements using Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP). Alp has worked on numerous projects during which he gained experience...

Alp Enginsal is a Structural Engineer with 13 years of consulting experience who is knowledgeable in reinforced concrete, steel, masonry, wood and foundation design. He also has experience rehabilitating existing structural elements using Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP). Alp has worked on numerous projects during which he gained experience designing new and renovating existing commercial, industrial, residential and institutional facilities.


  • Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)
  • Civil and Structural Failure Analysis
  • Contract Management and Administration
  • Design and Code Reviews
  • Fire, Wind, Snow Damage Assessment
  • Foundation Damage/​Evaluations
  • Institutional, Commercial and Industrial Structures
  • Structural Analysis and Rehabilitation
  • Structural Fire Origin and Cause Determination
  • Tender and Bid Evaluations


  • Master of Applied Science, Civil Engineering
    Concordia University
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Civil Engineering, Option Infrastructure
    Concordia University


alp dsc2295

Alp Enginsal, M.A.SC., P.Eng.

District Manager


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