Equipment Consulting, Fire Investigations

Fire/Smoke Damage to Equipment at High School

22 august 2014


A fire occurred in the high school contaminating the IT, cafeteria, and heating equipment within the building with smoke and soot.


Envista evaluated the equipment within the school and determined which items were cost-effective for restoration, which items would need testing following the decontamination process, and which items should be replaced due to the fire damage. The equipment listing included but was not limited to, smart boards, computers, printers, fax machines, phone systems, individual room heaters, copiers, stoves, fridge/freezer units, and server room IT equipment.


TekPro Global worked with the insured's vendors to remove all heating units and smart boards from the ceiling and walls, completed the decontamination of all equipment within the classrooms, offices, and IT/server room. In addition, TekPro Global used USDA-approved proprietary chemicals to decontaminate the cafeteria items.

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