Sobre Jonathan

Jon is a Chartered Civil Engineer, with 35 years’ experience in design, management, construction and assessment works, primarily associated with industrial and heavy engineering works. He has worked for the last six years in the Insurance sector, providing civil engineering advice to Insurers and Loss Adjusters, and managing multi-disciplinary engineering teams on complex large losses. He has previously worked in the waste, power and rail sectors, where he has demonstrated his expertise in the management and successful delivery of...

Jon is a Chartered Civil Engineer, with 35 years’ experience in design, management, construction and assessment works, primarily associated with industrial and heavy engineering works. He has worked for the last six years in the Insurance sector, providing civil engineering advice to Insurers and Loss Adjusters, and managing multi-disciplinary engineering teams on complex large losses. He has previously worked in the waste, power and rail sectors, where he has demonstrated his expertise in the management and successful delivery of multidisciplinary engineering projects. During this work, he has also established and demonstrated knowledge of relevant process technologies and operational logistics, key to the development of solutions that fully met operational criteria. He has worked on a variety of site assessments and design reviews, including works undertaken for independent certification, funder’s reports and due diligence assessments. Jon has five years of on-site construction experience, working as owner’s engineer or design team site representative. He also has worked for six years’ overseas, working in mainland China and Hong Kong on nuclear and combined cycle gas turbine power stations projects. Design of Mechanical Building Services Installations.

Jon is a Chartered Civil Engineer, with 35 years’ experience in design, management, construction and assessment works, primarily associated with industrial and heavy engineering works. He has worked for the last six years in the Insurance sector, providing civil engineering advice to Insurers and Loss Adjusters, and managing multi-disciplinary...

Jon is a Chartered Civil Engineer, with 35 years’ experience in design, management, construction and assessment works, primarily associated with industrial and heavy engineering works. He has worked for the last six years in the Insurance sector, providing civil engineering advice to Insurers and Loss Adjusters, and managing multi-disciplinary engineering teams on complex large losses. He has previously worked in the waste, power and rail sectors, where he has demonstrated his expertise in the management and successful delivery of multidisciplinary engineering projects. During this work, he has also established and demonstrated knowledge of relevant process technologies and operational logistics, key to the development of solutions that fully met operational criteria. He has worked on a variety of site assessments and design reviews, including works undertaken for independent certification, funder’s reports and due diligence assessments. Jon has five years of on-site construction experience, working as owner’s engineer or design team site representative. He also has worked for six years’ overseas, working in mainland China and Hong Kong on nuclear and combined cycle gas turbine power stations projects. Design of Mechanical Building Services Installations.

Civil/Structural Engineer in London, UK

Jonathan Bryant


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