Sobre Chris

Mr. Chris Downing is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Florida with over 30 years of experience. Mr. Downing has extensive experience in energy efficiency and energy recovery systems in the build environment. This experience includes HVAC system commissioning, indoor air quality assessments, energy audits, construction management, building codes, and expert witness work. He has previously served as the Vice President & Director of the Enterprise Innovation Institute at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)...

Mr. Chris Downing is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Florida with over 30 years of experience. Mr. Downing has extensive experience in energy efficiency and energy recovery systems in the build environment. This experience includes HVAC system commissioning, indoor air quality assessments, energy audits, construction management, building codes, and expert witness work. He has previously served as the Vice President & Director of the Enterprise Innovation Institute at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) and led initiatives in engineering outreach, entrepreneurship support, and economic development. Mr. Downing's contributions have been recognized with prestigious awards such as the 2014 Innovation Award from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the 2014 Outstanding Research Park Award from the Association of University Research Parks.

Mr. Chris Downing is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Florida with over 30 years of experience. Mr. Downing has extensive experience in energy efficiency and energy recovery systems in the build environment. This experience includes HVAC system commissioning, indoor air quality assessments, energy audits, construction...

Mr. Chris Downing is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Florida with over 30 years of experience. Mr. Downing has extensive experience in energy efficiency and energy recovery systems in the build environment. This experience includes HVAC system commissioning, indoor air quality assessments, energy audits, construction management, building codes, and expert witness work. He has previously served as the Vice President & Director of the Enterprise Innovation Institute at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) and led initiatives in engineering outreach, entrepreneurship support, and economic development. Mr. Downing's contributions have been recognized with prestigious awards such as the 2014 Innovation Award from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the 2014 Outstanding Research Park Award from the Association of University Research Parks.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Forensics Engineering
  • HVAC
  • HVAC/​Boilers
  • Mechanical Failure Analysis


  • Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
    University of Florida
  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
    University of Florida
downing chris photo1

Chris Downing, PE

Senior Project Engineer


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