Sobre Basem

Mr. Basem Salama is a highly skilled Senior Project Engineer with over eight years of experience in the construction industry, specializing in a wide range of projects including residential, industrial, retail, shade sails, and commercial structures.  Proficient in structural design, foundation systems, documentation, modeling, site inspections, and project management, Mr. Salama has demonstrated expertise in working with various design codes, including Australian, American, and British standards.

Mr. Basem Salama is a highly skilled Senior Project Engineer with over eight years of experience in the construction industry, specializing in a wide range of projects including residential, industrial, retail, shade sails, and commercial structures.  Proficient in structural design, foundation systems, documentation, modeling, site inspections,...

Mr. Basem Salama is a highly skilled Senior Project Engineer with over eight years of experience in the construction industry, specializing in a wide range of projects including residential, industrial, retail, shade sails, and commercial structures.  Proficient in structural design, foundation systems, documentation, modeling, site inspections, and project management, Mr. Salama has demonstrated expertise in working with various design codes, including Australian, American, and British standards.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Civil and Structural Failure Analysis
  • Forensics Engineering

Basem Salama, MIEAust, CPEng, NER, RPEQ

Senior Project Engineer


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Contacto Basem Salama

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