
This expert has extensive experience in the environmental health arena, conducting hundreds of investigations involving a variety of physical, chemical and biological hazards in occupational and community settings. He routinely consults in both the public and private sector performing field investigations and developing prevention and management programs. With experience on several large and high-profile building investigations, Ben is frequently called upon to provide forensic analysis as an expert witness and to manage risk communication...

This expert has extensive experience in the environmental health arena, conducting hundreds of investigations involving a variety of physical, chemical and biological hazards in occupational and community settings. He routinely consults in both the public and private sector performing field investigations and developing prevention and management programs. With experience on several large and high-profile building investigations, Ben is frequently called upon to provide forensic analysis as an expert witness and to manage risk communication issues with stakeholder groups. Ben provides guidance regarding emergent environmental health issues and serves as the primary liaison on technical matters. He conducts investigations and provides management and oversight on a variety of projects involving occupational and community exposures to hazardous agents.

This expert has extensive experience in the environmental health arena, conducting hundreds of investigations involving a variety of physical, chemical and biological hazards in occupational and community settings. He routinely consults in both the public and private sector performing field investigations and developing prevention and management...

This expert has extensive experience in the environmental health arena, conducting hundreds of investigations involving a variety of physical, chemical and biological hazards in occupational and community settings. He routinely consults in both the public and private sector performing field investigations and developing prevention and management programs. With experience on several large and high-profile building investigations, Ben is frequently called upon to provide forensic analysis as an expert witness and to manage risk communication issues with stakeholder groups. Ben provides guidance regarding emergent environmental health issues and serves as the primary liaison on technical matters. He conducts investigations and provides management and oversight on a variety of projects involving occupational and community exposures to hazardous agents.


  • M.P.H., Environmental Health Science, Industrial Hygiene Program
    U.C. Berkeley
  • Bachelor of Science, Political Economy of Natural Resources
    U.C. Berkeley
Industrial Hygiene Expert in Los Angeles, CA

Industrial Hygiene Expert in Los Angeles, CA

Rancho Dominguez, CA
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