We Solve Complex Problems for our Clients in the Face of Disaster | Envista Forensics

05 april 2023

Envista Forensics is made of highly trained experts, engineers and consultants providing investigative and analysis services on WHY a loss happened. From the most common routine requests that require rapid or local assistance to complex losses that require the need for multi-disciplinary management and experience, to rarer and more unusual cases that need a highly specialized, niche industry expert--our passion lies in the science behind the why, and providing that education to our clients.

Hvordan kan vi hjælpe dig?

Vi har eksperter i mange tekniske discipliner fordelt over hele verden. Kontakt os, så vi kan finde den rigtige ekspert til opgaven.

 Envista Forensics Logo
Udforsk vores hjemmeside

Vores job er at løse komplekse udfordringer for vores kunder ved skadehændelser. Vi servicerer virksomhedsejere, små som store og uanset, hvor det er henne i verden og uagtet af, hvilket problem de står overfor.