Om Kyle

Mr. Kyle Richards is a Digital Forensics Analyst assisting with business development and litigation support for clients. Mr. Richards has an extensive background in the legal space spanning almost 15 years in the public sector. Prior to joining Envista, he served as an Investigator for the Office of the Attorney General in Virginia where he investigated cases in response to writs of actual innocence.  Prior to that, he was an Investigator with the Office of the Capital Defender for 12 years where he investigated death penalty-eligible...

Mr. Kyle Richards is a Digital Forensics Analyst assisting with business development and litigation support for clients. Mr. Richards has an extensive background in the legal space spanning almost 15 years in the public sector. Prior to joining Envista, he served as an Investigator for the Office of the Attorney General in Virginia where he investigated cases in response to writs of actual innocence.  Prior to that, he was an Investigator with the Office of the Capital Defender for 12 years where he investigated death penalty-eligible crimes and ancillary charges. During Mr. Richards' tenure, he has instructed other investigators and has participated as a guest speaker at Washington and Lee University School of Law. He has consulted on dozens of litigated matters and has extensive case experience as an investigator and is well-versed in analyzing evidence. 


Please send evidence to:

5806 Grove Avenue

Box 131

Richmond, VA 23226

Mr. Kyle Richards is a Digital Forensics Analyst assisting with business development and litigation support for clients. Mr. Richards has an extensive background in the legal space spanning almost 15 years in the public sector. Prior to joining Envista, he served as an Investigator for the Office of the Attorney General in Virginia where he...

Mr. Kyle Richards is a Digital Forensics Analyst assisting with business development and litigation support for clients. Mr. Richards has an extensive background in the legal space spanning almost 15 years in the public sector. Prior to joining Envista, he served as an Investigator for the Office of the Attorney General in Virginia where he investigated cases in response to writs of actual innocence.  Prior to that, he was an Investigator with the Office of the Capital Defender for 12 years where he investigated death penalty-eligible crimes and ancillary charges. During Mr. Richards' tenure, he has instructed other investigators and has participated as a guest speaker at Washington and Lee University School of Law. He has consulted on dozens of litigated matters and has extensive case experience as an investigator and is well-versed in analyzing evidence. 


Please send evidence to:

5806 Grove Avenue

Box 131

Richmond, VA 23226


  • Civil Litigation Support
  • Cyber Crime Investigations
  • Digital Forensics
  • Digital Forensics


  • Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
    Virginia Military Institute
kyle richards

Kyle Richards, CCO, CCPA

Digital Forensics Analyst

Digital Forensics

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