
A licensed Professional Engineer who has provided expert witness services since 1994 on chemical engineering, chemical accident investigations, fire investigations, project development, power and hydrocarbon processing. He has been an advisor for several global projects, including the petrochemical industry in Vietnam and the agricultural industry in Africa. He is experienced with ethylene furnaces and complete plants. He has managed all basic engineering functions including proprietary high-temperature furnace and chemical reactor designs....

A licensed Professional Engineer who has provided expert witness services since 1994 on chemical engineering, chemical accident investigations, fire investigations, project development, power and hydrocarbon processing. He has been an advisor for several global projects, including the petrochemical industry in Vietnam and the agricultural industry in Africa. He is experienced with ethylene furnaces and complete plants. He has managed all basic engineering functions including proprietary high-temperature furnace and chemical reactor designs. His past positions have required worldwide responsibility for specifications, standards, and work procedures including safety and operability. He is a well-published author and speaker and holds numerous patents.

A licensed Professional Engineer who has provided expert witness services since 1994 on chemical engineering, chemical accident investigations, fire investigations, project development, power and hydrocarbon processing. He has been an advisor for several global projects, including the petrochemical industry in Vietnam and the agricultural...

A licensed Professional Engineer who has provided expert witness services since 1994 on chemical engineering, chemical accident investigations, fire investigations, project development, power and hydrocarbon processing. He has been an advisor for several global projects, including the petrochemical industry in Vietnam and the agricultural industry in Africa. He is experienced with ethylene furnaces and complete plants. He has managed all basic engineering functions including proprietary high-temperature furnace and chemical reactor designs. His past positions have required worldwide responsibility for specifications, standards, and work procedures including safety and operability. He is a well-published author and speaker and holds numerous patents.


  • Master of Science, Chemical Engineering
    Villanova University
  • Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering
    Villanova University
Chemical Engineer Expert in Newark, NJ

Chemical Engineer Expert in Newark, NJ

Cedar Grove, NJ
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