Om Andy

Mr. Andy Neufeld is a Senior Project Engineer with over 8 years of experience. As a professionally licensed mechanical engineer, he has experience in manufacturing, supply chains, and mechanical design. He has designed heavy machinery in the aerial work platform/material lift sector and has specific project knowledge in the areas of drivetrains, hydraulics, vehicle HVAC, chain systems, roll-over protection/falling object protection systems, equipment stability, quality systems, global component sourcing, manufacturing equipment/fixtures, and...

Mr. Andy Neufeld is a Senior Project Engineer with over 8 years of experience. As a professionally licensed mechanical engineer, he has experience in manufacturing, supply chains, and mechanical design. He has designed heavy machinery in the aerial work platform/material lift sector and has specific project knowledge in the areas of drivetrains, hydraulics, vehicle HVAC, chain systems, roll-over protection/falling object protection systems, equipment stability, quality systems, global component sourcing, manufacturing equipment/fixtures, and steel weldment design/testing. At Envista, Mr. Neufeld works as a forensic consultant for projects with suspected mechanical failures. He investigates commercial and residential HVAC systems, fire suppression systems, boilers, appliances, and pipes, and also works to investigate equipment breakdown and provide estimates for manufacturing and machining equipment, tools, and systems.

Mr. Andy Neufeld is a Senior Project Engineer with over 8 years of experience. As a professionally licensed mechanical engineer, he has experience in manufacturing, supply chains, and mechanical design. He has designed heavy machinery in the aerial work platform/material lift sector and has specific project knowledge in the areas of drivetrains,...

Mr. Andy Neufeld is a Senior Project Engineer with over 8 years of experience. As a professionally licensed mechanical engineer, he has experience in manufacturing, supply chains, and mechanical design. He has designed heavy machinery in the aerial work platform/material lift sector and has specific project knowledge in the areas of drivetrains, hydraulics, vehicle HVAC, chain systems, roll-over protection/falling object protection systems, equipment stability, quality systems, global component sourcing, manufacturing equipment/fixtures, and steel weldment design/testing. At Envista, Mr. Neufeld works as a forensic consultant for projects with suspected mechanical failures. He investigates commercial and residential HVAC systems, fire suppression systems, boilers, appliances, and pipes, and also works to investigate equipment breakdown and provide estimates for manufacturing and machining equipment, tools, and systems.


  • Construction Defect
  • Equipment Loss Consulting
  • Forensics Engineering
  • HVAC/​Boilers
  • Manufacturing
  • Mechanical Failure Analysis
  • Mechanical Quality Assurance
  • Renewable Energy Equipment (Solar/​Wind/​Hydro)


  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Mechanical Focus, Mathematics Minor
    George Fox University – Newberg, OR
neufeld color

Andy Neufeld, PE

Senior Project Engineer


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Kontakt Andy Neufeld

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Hvordan kan vi hjælpe dig? 

For akut hjælp kontakt Envista i Denver, CO på +1 888-782-3473
 Envista Forensics Logo
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