Noticias de la Compañía

Envista supports IRC through Corporate Customer Service Initiative

05 julio 2021

Since January 2014, Envista has proudly supported the International Rescue Committee (IRC) through a corporate customer service initiative in an effort to give back to individuals who may be suffering as a result of untimely disasters, political disturbances, and other unforeseen circumstances.

As part of our initiative, for every customer quality survey that is returned to Envista customer service, we donate $5 to the IRC. Since the program started, we have donated nearly $25,000 towards the invaluable programs and services offered by the IRC.

Founded in 1933 by Albert Einstein, the IRC has been providing services to victims suffering from civil oppression for over seven decades. Today, the IRC provides vital and life-saving services to individuals throughout the world. In 2020, 31 million people were given access to health services, 2.6 million were provided access to clean drinking water, and more than 800,000 kids were provided education and schooling--all through the IRC and their program partners. Thousands of refugees have been given resettlement opportunities in the United States to build new lives with assistance from IRC and affiliated resettlement programs.

For information on the outstanding programs provided by the IRC, please visit their website and/or like them on Facebook.

Learn more about Envista's philanthropy initiatives.

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