Noticias de la Compañía

Envista’s David Harlow is 1 of only 4 in the World as Certified Marine Fire Investigator

08 marzo 2023

Envista Forensics, a global forensic consulting firm announced their Principal Consultant, David Harlow, has completed the certification for Certified Marine Fire Investigator (CMFI), by the International Association of Marine Investigators (IAMI), an honor in which he is 1 of only 4 fire investigators in the world who has achieved this accreditation.

The International Association of Marine Investigators (IAMI) started more than 35 years ago and is now the leading organization representing marine investigations in both private and public sectors. Their programs center around proficiency in marine crimes, fire investigation, accident reconstruction, and insurance adjusting.

“This is the first certification of its kind in the world,” said Harlow. “It focuses on the complexities associated with origin and cause fire and explosion investigations as they relate to marine insurance adjusting, admiralty law, marine surveying, vessels, and marina operations.”

The need for an accelerated maritime fire investigation training program started in 2019 and was founded in requirements based on NFPA 921 and 1033, as well as the American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC), National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), and EU guidelines and directives. This program is designed solely for investigators with substantial experience and identified as independent experts within their field of study.

“David has worked on marine fires for more than 12 years and completing such an enormous training program such as this is truly amazing,” said Mike Davis, Regional Technical Leader. “Vessel incidents and fires involve multiple parties, and multiple countries sometimes, and having someone like David with not only his knowledge and experience as a CMFI, but also his understanding of clients’ needs within the insurance and legal environments is invaluable.”

David Harlow can be reached at For more information on IAMI, visit

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