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Envista Forensics Awarded Two Canadian Lawyer Readers’ Choice Awards

Toronto – 25 noviembre 2020

TORONTO – November 24, 2020 – Envista Forensics, a global forensic and consulting company, was ranked a top service provider, for the second year in a row, for two Readers’ Choice Awards from Canadian Lawyer.

The sixth annual Canadian Lawyer Readers’ Choice Awards were published last week, after receiving 1,964 reader votes for preferred suppliers and vendors out of 466 providers in 38 categories. Canadian Lawyer, a publication that reviews everything from legal tech products and business valuation services to recruiters and legal research, pulled out the top three providers in each category.

Envista was selected as a top service provider for Litigation Support and Consulting in the categories, Expert Witnesses - Accident Investigation & Reconstruction and Expert Witnesses - Civil & Structural Forensic Engineering

For the full list of winners, visit Canadian Lawyer Magazine.

About Envista Forensics

Envista Forensics is a global leader in forensic engineering and recovery solutions. We provide failure analysis, fire and explosion investigations, digital forensics, accident reconstruction, building & construction consulting, geotechnical engineering, damage evaluations and equipment restoration services following disasters of all kinds.

Envista has served the insurance, legal and risk management industries for more than 30 years. Our experts travel globally to more than 40 offices located across North America, the U.K., Europe, Singapore and Australia. Visit our website at for more information.

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Ante un desastre, nuestro trabajo es resolver problemas complejos para nuestros clientes. Servimos a pequeños y grandes propietarios de negocios, sin importar en qué parte del mundo se encuentren y sin importar el problema al que se enfrenten.