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Envista Featured in eForensics Magazine: Ransomware Attacks: Impacts to Businesses and Insurance Claims

01 enero 2019


Ransomware is software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. Ransomware attacks against companies continue to be more targeted and the frequency of such attacks is likely to increase. For that reason, it is imperative that businesses and their insurers understand this growing risk.


The first stage of the investigation is to gain a high-level understanding of the infrastructure by asking questions to get to the bottom of what happened as quick as possible. Once the necessary information is answered, a digital examiner can attempt to find out how, when, and what information the attacker exfiltrated.


Contingency planning, vetting security firms that can aid before and after an attack, staff training and discussing options for obtaining an additional, more specific cyber policy can all soften the impact, or even stop altogether, the spectre of ransomware.

Working with a company, such as Envista, to provide expert forensic consulting and training to corporations, insurers and legal professionals can help professionals become more familiar with the changing risk environment.

Learn more about ransomware prevention, investigation, and contingency planning.

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