Sobre Robert

Robert Townsley is a Senior Project Engineer specializing in Collision Reconstruction with over 6 years of Mechanical Engineering experience and 400+ hours of formal training. Robert investigates and analyzes vehicle incidents to determine vehicle orientations and locations at impact, pre-and-post impact speeds and movements, driver sightlines, driver potential to avoid, occupant kinematics, and seatbelt use and effectiveness. Robert has worked on high and low-speed collisions involving passenger cars, pickup trucks, motorcycles, bicycles,...

Robert Townsley is a Senior Project Engineer specializing in Collision Reconstruction with over 6 years of Mechanical Engineering experience and 400+ hours of formal training. Robert investigates and analyzes vehicle incidents to determine vehicle orientations and locations at impact, pre-and-post impact speeds and movements, driver sightlines, driver potential to avoid, occupant kinematics, and seatbelt use and effectiveness. Robert has worked on high and low-speed collisions involving passenger cars, pickup trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, heavy vehicles (e.g., buses, tractor-trailers, farm vehicles, picker trucks), off-road vehicles, pedestrians, animals, and tire failures.

Robert Townsley is a Senior Project Engineer specializing in Collision Reconstruction with over 6 years of Mechanical Engineering experience and 400+ hours of formal training. Robert investigates and analyzes vehicle incidents to determine vehicle orientations and locations at impact, pre-and-post impact speeds and movements, driver sightlines,...

Robert Townsley is a Senior Project Engineer specializing in Collision Reconstruction with over 6 years of Mechanical Engineering experience and 400+ hours of formal training. Robert investigates and analyzes vehicle incidents to determine vehicle orientations and locations at impact, pre-and-post impact speeds and movements, driver sightlines, driver potential to avoid, occupant kinematics, and seatbelt use and effectiveness. Robert has worked on high and low-speed collisions involving passenger cars, pickup trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, heavy vehicles (e.g., buses, tractor-trailers, farm vehicles, picker trucks), off-road vehicles, pedestrians, animals, and tire failures.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Collision Reconstruction
  • Computer Simulations
  • Event Data Recorders
  • Heavy Vehicle EDRs (HVEDRs)
  • Human Factors
  • Infotainment and Telematics
  • Pedestrian Conspicuity
  • Seatbelt Analysis
  • Tires, Wheels, and Brakes Failure Analysis


  • Bachelor of Applied Science (With Distinction), Mechanical Engineering
    University of British Columbia – Kelowna, British Columbia
rob dsc2444

Robert Townsley, P.Eng

Senior Project Engineer


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Contacto Robert Townsley

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