
This associate is an extensively experienced and consistently successful leader in managing at plant and senior corporate levels all aspects of power generation operations, including engineering, construction, maintenance, environmental health & safety, new facility design and start-up, compliance, procurement, due diligence for new acquisitions, organizational creation and improvement, interface with regulatory agencies, outage management, budgetary creation and planning, and staff hiring. He is an OEM certified steam and gas turbine...

This associate is an extensively experienced and consistently successful leader in managing at plant and senior corporate levels all aspects of power generation operations, including engineering, construction, maintenance, environmental health & safety, new facility design and start-up, compliance, procurement, due diligence for new acquisitions, organizational creation and improvement, interface with regulatory agencies, outage management, budgetary creation and planning, and staff hiring. He is an OEM certified steam and gas turbine controls and maintenance specialist. Possesses significant knowledge of high pressure boiler / HRSG design, maintenance and operation. Experienced in the installation and maintenance of auxiliary equipment including electrical switchgear and transformers.

This associate is an extensively experienced and consistently successful leader in managing at plant and senior corporate levels all aspects of power generation operations, including engineering, construction, maintenance, environmental health & safety, new facility design and start-up, compliance, procurement, due diligence for new...

This associate is an extensively experienced and consistently successful leader in managing at plant and senior corporate levels all aspects of power generation operations, including engineering, construction, maintenance, environmental health & safety, new facility design and start-up, compliance, procurement, due diligence for new acquisitions, organizational creation and improvement, interface with regulatory agencies, outage management, budgetary creation and planning, and staff hiring. He is an OEM certified steam and gas turbine controls and maintenance specialist. Possesses significant knowledge of high pressure boiler / HRSG design, maintenance and operation. Experienced in the installation and maintenance of auxiliary equipment including electrical switchgear and transformers.

Power Plant Expert in Staten Island, NY

Power Plant Expert in Staten Island, NY

Staten Island, NY
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