
This expert has extensive experience in petroleum and environmental engineering, including onshore and offshore oil and gas drilling that includes jackup rigs on the shelf in the Gulf of Mexico, gravity platforms in the North Sea, and offshore platform rigs. He lectures in both the U.S. and Trinidad on offshore operation pitfalls such as jack up rig punch through and shallow gas dangers. He has also been involved in various production operations, as well as environmental issues, including reservoir economics and habitat evaluation.

This expert has extensive experience in petroleum and environmental engineering, including onshore and offshore oil and gas drilling that includes jackup rigs on the shelf in the Gulf of Mexico, gravity platforms in the North Sea, and offshore platform rigs. He lectures in both the U.S. and Trinidad on offshore operation pitfalls such as jack up...

This expert has extensive experience in petroleum and environmental engineering, including onshore and offshore oil and gas drilling that includes jackup rigs on the shelf in the Gulf of Mexico, gravity platforms in the North Sea, and offshore platform rigs. He lectures in both the U.S. and Trinidad on offshore operation pitfalls such as jack up rig punch through and shallow gas dangers. He has also been involved in various production operations, as well as environmental issues, including reservoir economics and habitat evaluation.


  • Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering with Minor in Environmental Engineering
    Louisiana State University
  • M.S., Mineral Engineering
    The University of Alabama
  • B.S. Geology
    Emory University
Petroleum Engineer Expert in Lafayette, LA

Petroleum Engineer Expert in Lafayette, LA

Lafayette, LA
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