
An industrial engineer with extensive experience in packaging, processes, and new product development innovation. Ernie has had global success in packaging development, forensic packaging analysis, cost reduction, material conversions, and sustainable solutions and has managed multi-million dollar projects for major manufacturing clients. His expertise provides the ability to create new profit opportunities, collaborate across internal and external functions and levels, and deliver meaningful and profitable packaging solutions.

An industrial engineer with extensive experience in packaging, processes, and new product development innovation. Ernie has had global success in packaging development, forensic packaging analysis, cost reduction, material conversions, and sustainable solutions and has managed multi-million dollar projects for major manufacturing clients. His...

An industrial engineer with extensive experience in packaging, processes, and new product development innovation. Ernie has had global success in packaging development, forensic packaging analysis, cost reduction, material conversions, and sustainable solutions and has managed multi-million dollar projects for major manufacturing clients. His expertise provides the ability to create new profit opportunities, collaborate across internal and external functions and levels, and deliver meaningful and profitable packaging solutions.


  • B.S., Industrial Engineering Technology
    New Jersey Institute of Technology
Packaging Engineer Expert in Cincinnati, OH

Packaging Engineer Expert in Cincinnati, OH

West Chester, OH
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