
This experts is a Landscape Architect with project experience that encompasses sports, recreation, resort, residential and campus master planning, institutional and retail projects, estate properties, and historic preservation and interpretive projects. He is responsible for coordination of site analysis, program development and conceptual design for all projects. He also coordinates site design, layout, construction detailing, cost estimates and construction supervision on a variety of built works ranging in size from $250,000 - $14 Million....

This experts is a Landscape Architect with project experience that encompasses sports, recreation, resort, residential and campus master planning, institutional and retail projects, estate properties, and historic preservation and interpretive projects. He is responsible for coordination of site analysis, program development and conceptual design for all projects. He also coordinates site design, layout, construction detailing, cost estimates and construction supervision on a variety of built works ranging in size from $250,000 - $14 Million. He has also been a lecturer for the Center for Rural Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, NCAA, ECAC and American Sports Builder's Association.

This experts is a Landscape Architect with project experience that encompasses sports, recreation, resort, residential and campus master planning, institutional and retail projects, estate properties, and historic preservation and interpretive projects. He is responsible for coordination of site analysis, program development and conceptual design...

This experts is a Landscape Architect with project experience that encompasses sports, recreation, resort, residential and campus master planning, institutional and retail projects, estate properties, and historic preservation and interpretive projects. He is responsible for coordination of site analysis, program development and conceptual design for all projects. He also coordinates site design, layout, construction detailing, cost estimates and construction supervision on a variety of built works ranging in size from $250,000 - $14 Million. He has also been a lecturer for the Center for Rural Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, NCAA, ECAC and American Sports Builder's Association.


  • Master of Landscape Architecture
    University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Bachelor of Environmental Design
    University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Landscape Architect Expert in Boston, MA

Landscape Architect Expert in Boston, MA

Andover, MA
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