
This expert has been performing diverse functions in the hazardous materials, industrial hygiene and environmental consulting field for the past twenty-seven years. As a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) one of his primary areas of expertise is in the occupational health and safety field. Experience with NIOSH analytical field procedures and OSHA regulations, numerous underground storage tank (UST), lead-based paint remediation, indoor air quality and confined space entry projects. Extensive hazardous materials consulting work for various...

This expert has been performing diverse functions in the hazardous materials, industrial hygiene and environmental consulting field for the past twenty-seven years. As a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) one of his primary areas of expertise is in the occupational health and safety field. Experience with NIOSH analytical field procedures and OSHA regulations, numerous underground storage tank (UST), lead-based paint remediation, indoor air quality and confined space entry projects. Extensive hazardous materials consulting work for various commercial clients in Hawaii (HI). Performed analytical field procedures and construction monitoring activities for commercial real estate developers and various other public and private clients throughout New England and the greater New York City area. Retained as an expert witness by the State of Hawaii, Office of the Attorney General Asbestos Unit, to provide information and advice on asbestos-related issues and projects throughout the state as part of its active pursuit of litigation against the asbestos manufacturers.

This expert has been performing diverse functions in the hazardous materials, industrial hygiene and environmental consulting field for the past twenty-seven years. As a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) one of his primary areas of expertise is in the occupational health and safety field. Experience with NIOSH analytical field procedures and...

This expert has been performing diverse functions in the hazardous materials, industrial hygiene and environmental consulting field for the past twenty-seven years. As a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) one of his primary areas of expertise is in the occupational health and safety field. Experience with NIOSH analytical field procedures and OSHA regulations, numerous underground storage tank (UST), lead-based paint remediation, indoor air quality and confined space entry projects. Extensive hazardous materials consulting work for various commercial clients in Hawaii (HI). Performed analytical field procedures and construction monitoring activities for commercial real estate developers and various other public and private clients throughout New England and the greater New York City area. Retained as an expert witness by the State of Hawaii, Office of the Attorney General Asbestos Unit, to provide information and advice on asbestos-related issues and projects throughout the state as part of its active pursuit of litigation against the asbestos manufacturers.


  • Bachelor of Science, Environmental Analysis
    University of New England
Industrial Hygiene Expert in Boston, MA

Industrial Hygiene Expert in Boston, MA

Wakefield, MA
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