
This expert has 39 years of geotechnical, permafrost and civil engineering experience including 31 years of specialized expertise in permafrost, geotechnical design, and contaminated site assessments. Other areas of geotechnical expertise include structures, pipelines, dams, and directional drilling Areas of Expertise • Technical leader in permafrost and frozen ground engineering, assessment and remediation of contaminated sites, with a speciality in Arctic and cold climates, application of horizontal directional drilling, and mine wastes...

This expert has 39 years of geotechnical, permafrost and civil engineering experience including 31 years of specialized expertise in permafrost, geotechnical design, and contaminated site assessments. Other areas of geotechnical expertise include structures, pipelines, dams, and directional drilling Areas of Expertise • Technical leader in permafrost and frozen ground engineering, assessment and remediation of contaminated sites, with a speciality in Arctic and cold climates, application of horizontal directional drilling, and mine wastes geotechnique. • Experience in most all aspects of geotechnical engineering, geohazard assessment, risk assessment, dam design and safety reviews, pipelines, mine waste geotechnique including reclamation and closure, geotechnical instrumentation, hydrogeology, and eomicrobiology. • Significant experience in interpretation of instrumentation for geotechnical structures and foundation design.

This expert has 39 years of geotechnical, permafrost and civil engineering experience including 31 years of specialized expertise in permafrost, geotechnical design, and contaminated site assessments. Other areas of geotechnical expertise include structures, pipelines, dams, and directional drilling Areas of Expertise • Technical leader in...

This expert has 39 years of geotechnical, permafrost and civil engineering experience including 31 years of specialized expertise in permafrost, geotechnical design, and contaminated site assessments. Other areas of geotechnical expertise include structures, pipelines, dams, and directional drilling Areas of Expertise • Technical leader in permafrost and frozen ground engineering, assessment and remediation of contaminated sites, with a speciality in Arctic and cold climates, application of horizontal directional drilling, and mine wastes geotechnique. • Experience in most all aspects of geotechnical engineering, geohazard assessment, risk assessment, dam design and safety reviews, pipelines, mine waste geotechnique including reclamation and closure, geotechnical instrumentation, hydrogeology, and eomicrobiology. • Significant experience in interpretation of instrumentation for geotechnical structures and foundation design.


  • Ph.D. (Geotechnical Engineering)
    University of Alberta, Edmonton
  • B.Eng. (Civil Engineering)
    Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston
Geotechnical and Permafrost Expert/Civil Engineer in Calgary, AB

Geotechnical and Permafrost Expert/Civil Engineer in Calgary, AB

St. Albert, AB
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