
This Expert is a Forensic Locksmith who has conducted extensive in-house testing and analysis of all domestic and foreign automotive locks and steering columns. Analysis includes disassembly of lock cylinders and steering columns to show internal operating features and systems. Additionally, have performed micro lock analysis of ignition locks. Micro lock analysis includes microscopic examination and photography of individual lock components and ignition keys to show lock and key wear characteristics, tool/pick markings, and origin of key....

This Expert is a Forensic Locksmith who has conducted extensive in-house testing and analysis of all domestic and foreign automotive locks and steering columns. Analysis includes disassembly of lock cylinders and steering columns to show internal operating features and systems. Additionally, have performed micro lock analysis of ignition locks. Micro lock analysis includes microscopic examination and photography of individual lock components and ignition keys to show lock and key wear characteristics, tool/pick markings, and origin of key. Used for educational seminars, in-house training, and trial demonstrations. He has also conducted a series of crash tests of vehicles in a variety of scenarios, including multiple car collisions, single car collisions, and collisions with fixed objects. The data collected was used to (1) analyze structural and nonstructural deformation to the vehicles and (2) analyze the occupant dynamics that occur during a given crash scenario. Tests were photographed and professionally videotaped and are used for training purposes.

This Expert is a Forensic Locksmith who has conducted extensive in-house testing and analysis of all domestic and foreign automotive locks and steering columns. Analysis includes disassembly of lock cylinders and steering columns to show internal operating features and systems. Additionally, have performed micro lock analysis of ignition locks....

This Expert is a Forensic Locksmith who has conducted extensive in-house testing and analysis of all domestic and foreign automotive locks and steering columns. Analysis includes disassembly of lock cylinders and steering columns to show internal operating features and systems. Additionally, have performed micro lock analysis of ignition locks. Micro lock analysis includes microscopic examination and photography of individual lock components and ignition keys to show lock and key wear characteristics, tool/pick markings, and origin of key. Used for educational seminars, in-house training, and trial demonstrations. He has also conducted a series of crash tests of vehicles in a variety of scenarios, including multiple car collisions, single car collisions, and collisions with fixed objects. The data collected was used to (1) analyze structural and nonstructural deformation to the vehicles and (2) analyze the occupant dynamics that occur during a given crash scenario. Tests were photographed and professionally videotaped and are used for training purposes.

Forensic Locksmith Expert in Boston, MA

Forensic Locksmith Expert in Boston, MA

Seekonk, MA
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