
This expert is an Investigator and Collision Damage Analyst Consultant. He is an ASE Certified Damage Analyst holding Appraiser licenses in Massachusetts and Rhode Island since 1982. A graduate of a Technical High School specializing in auto body, frame, unibody and mechanical repair, this expert has many years of "hands-on" field experience as an auto body technician and damage appraiser. Expertly examined more than 8,500 vehicles over a 36-year career as a Collision Analyst. Testimony as an expert extends to Small Claims, Civil, Criminal...

This expert is an Investigator and Collision Damage Analyst Consultant. He is an ASE Certified Damage Analyst holding Appraiser licenses in Massachusetts and Rhode Island since 1982. A graduate of a Technical High School specializing in auto body, frame, unibody and mechanical repair, this expert has many years of "hands-on" field experience as an auto body technician and damage appraiser. Expertly examined more than 8,500 vehicles over a 36-year career as a Collision Analyst. Testimony as an expert extends to Small Claims, Civil, Criminal trials and arbitrations in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland and New Jersey.

This expert is an Investigator and Collision Damage Analyst Consultant. He is an ASE Certified Damage Analyst holding Appraiser licenses in Massachusetts and Rhode Island since 1982. A graduate of a Technical High School specializing in auto body, frame, unibody and mechanical repair, this expert has many years of "hands-on" field experience as...

This expert is an Investigator and Collision Damage Analyst Consultant. He is an ASE Certified Damage Analyst holding Appraiser licenses in Massachusetts and Rhode Island since 1982. A graduate of a Technical High School specializing in auto body, frame, unibody and mechanical repair, this expert has many years of "hands-on" field experience as an auto body technician and damage appraiser. Expertly examined more than 8,500 vehicles over a 36-year career as a Collision Analyst. Testimony as an expert extends to Small Claims, Civil, Criminal trials and arbitrations in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland and New Jersey.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Vehicle Accidents


  • Automotive Damage Appraisal Certificate
    Curry College Milton, MA
Collision Damage Analyst/Auto Appraiser in Massachusetts

Collision Damage Analyst/Auto Appraiser in Massachusetts

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Contacto Collision Damage Analyst/Auto Appraiser in Massachusetts

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