
With over 30 years’ experience, this experts forensic analysis and evaluation of chemicals and chemical traces, including petroleum, dioxins, and environmental pollutants. His services also involve laboratory audits, data management, laboratory contract oversight and process improvements. Considerable work has been focused around the validation, identification and fingerprinting of PCBs associated with waste oils in manufacturing equipment. In technology evaluation, He determines if the identified technology fits market needs, meets the...

With over 30 years’ experience, this experts forensic analysis and evaluation of chemicals and chemical traces, including petroleum, dioxins, and environmental pollutants. His services also involve laboratory audits, data management, laboratory contract oversight and process improvements. Considerable work has been focused around the validation, identification and fingerprinting of PCBs associated with waste oils in manufacturing equipment. In technology evaluation, He determines if the identified technology fits market needs, meets the potential sponsor/licensee's requirements, and is commercially reasonable. His litigation support has increasingly involved environmental and technology-centered litigation, including extensive waste stream characterization, providing results when others have been unsuccessful. With his extensive experience in litigation support, he often assists attorneys in public hearings and patent litigation. He has published a vast amount of articles for academic journals and research documentation.

With over 30 years’ experience, this experts forensic analysis and evaluation of chemicals and chemical traces, including petroleum, dioxins, and environmental pollutants. His services also involve laboratory audits, data management, laboratory contract oversight and process improvements. Considerable work has been focused around the validation,...

With over 30 years’ experience, this experts forensic analysis and evaluation of chemicals and chemical traces, including petroleum, dioxins, and environmental pollutants. His services also involve laboratory audits, data management, laboratory contract oversight and process improvements. Considerable work has been focused around the validation, identification and fingerprinting of PCBs associated with waste oils in manufacturing equipment. In technology evaluation, He determines if the identified technology fits market needs, meets the potential sponsor/licensee's requirements, and is commercially reasonable. His litigation support has increasingly involved environmental and technology-centered litigation, including extensive waste stream characterization, providing results when others have been unsuccessful. With his extensive experience in litigation support, he often assists attorneys in public hearings and patent litigation. He has published a vast amount of articles for academic journals and research documentation.


  • Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry (major); Organic Chemistry (minor)
    Louisiana State University
  • B.S., Biological Sciences
    University of New Orleans
  • B.S., Chemistry
    University of New Orleans
Chemical Engineer Expert in Chicago, IL

Chemical Engineer Expert in Chicago, IL

Georgetown, TX
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